3 Significant Prerequisites to be Covered for Veneer Success

Veneers have assisted to mask dental imperfections like chipping, staining or gaps and thereby enhance the appearance of millions of teeth. Just like the name implies, this thin layer of porcelain covers a tooth’s visible surface and accurately mimics the colour, texture and translucence of the teeth.
When you opt for a proficient cosmetic dentistry in Long Island, they would suggest that veneers are just the solution you need for a greatly attractive smile. But prior to beginning the treatment you must ensure that you have got the three prerequisites in place to ensure a successful outcome. Some of them are enlisted below:
  • A Skilful Team of Artisans – Every veneer is custom-made to match an individual patient’s tooth colour and shape, handcrafted by a skilful dental technician. There’s also an art that is performed by the dentist. This involves preparing the tooth beforehand and then properly positioning the veneer for bonding to achieve the most spectacular results. You have to make sure that you choose a veneer team that is highly recommended by others.
  • The Right Expectations – Though the transformation of tooth with the help of veneering is truly astounding, but like every other worthy thing veneering too has its own set of limitations. You need to have an adequate amount of tooth structure present for the veneer to adhere properly. You need to consider porcelain if the situation is not such. Similarly, misalignments and gaps can be too great for the veneers to cover. Under such circumstances, you should consider orthodontics. A thorough examination will help you decide whether the veneers are the best options for you or not.
  • The Best Materials – The first porcelains were powdered glass ceramics mixed with water to form a paste. Technicians shaped the paste in successive layers and as it over-cured, it took on the beautiful translucence of the natural teeth. But this porcelain could be brittle and when subjected to heavy biting forces, they are prone to shattering. For this reason, in recent years dentists have started using ceramics reinforced with some of the other materials like that of Leucite for added strength. These days, the materials that the dentists use are of much better quality.

The above are some of the essential prerequisites that you should get covered prior to opting for veneer. If you keep the above is mind you will be prepared and can have the right expectations which will ensure that you get the sparkling white smile that you have always dreamt of. 
